Thursday, April 1, 2010

What I wrote for a collaborate project with the most talented poet I know

I was a freshman once, and that song struck me with more than the intensity it needed to, freshly broken up with a fiance whose life I thought I had destroyed with the self-aggrandizement that can only happen when you forget that you are you and things may be larger than that. I went outside tonight and saw that the wind had blown every light piece of garbage against the brick wall of the building I'm moving out of in a perfect symmetrical line of rustling white and wondered what it was that I should say or how I should categorize it and I forgot for a second that I think that connection is really false and that we're trapped and forgot how terrified I was to start writing over the new year and how the terror struck deep inside of of me and felt instead like I used to high on speed when I could go about everything and know I must be tired but it didn't matter but I had to hurry anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Don't get me wrong -- I wrote this. The talented one didn't.
